There's always a great story behind my finds and this one is no different.
I was working in a small town and decided to drop by one of the local "junk shops." The first time I went in I bought a cane topped coffee table (I no longer have it as I left in the last house I moved out of.) I went back and saw a set of chairs and tables. I did not buy them. That weekend I visited Design Within Reach (DWR) and noticed something...something truly remarkable. The same chairs that I saw in this shop were also in DWR for $1100...each.
Well I went back to the shop...inspected in piece and sure enough I was in the presence of an authentic 1950's Saarinen Knoll Tulip Table and four Tulip Chairs. Well I was stunned. I went home researched one more time just to make sure I had the right items ( I still did not buy them...neither was I worried about someone else buying them as they were in the store for quite some time). Sure enough the items were authentic with a BR-51 under the seat of each chair.

I did some browsing on ebay and came across an ad where someone had recently sold a set of four, for around $3200. They also described how they restored them. So, I took notes and did the same.
So I went back to this small shop. The guy wanted $125 (thats right one hundred and twenty-five dollars). I offered him $100 and it was a done deal. Load them up in the Tahoe and home they went! A complete set of four Tulip Chairs and Tulip Table for $100!!!!
Small towns are crawling with hidden treasures so take a small trip to one and see what you find.
It was another day...another GOODWILL HUNTING.