...another WINNING WEEKEND...

Hope you guys had a great weekend...mine was a "Winning Weekend"

This weekend was filled with moving a tone of furniture into my condo...by myself. However, I did manage to find a few items to add to my home. Some will have makeovers some will not.
Lets first view the shopping carts...then analyze a little closer.


With so many planned dinner parties in the works I really needed a dining set. While picking up my sofa this set was being delivered. It did not get placed on the floor until Sunday. So I managed to get back to see the complete set. It was priced at $199.99. The workers assumed it would stay on the floor because of the price. I was starting to second guess the price as well. However, I had a U-Haul truck (need my own little truck)  in my possession so it kinda worked out.
These are just place holder chairs. I will certainly upgrade to a different set..pending funds available. I have a particular style in mind. I will blog on that later on in the week.

Hope you guys had a great weekend!

Mr. Goodwill Hunting
Twitter: MrGWHunting
Email: mr.goodwillhunting@gmail.com