Today is day 3 of Thirty Days of Thrifting
Today we will focus on Sleepy Saturdays.
Most of us spend our Saturdays (after hitting a few yard sales and thrift stores of course) in bed flipping the television from channel to channel realizing there is nothing on as it was last Saturday and the Saturday before that. The good thing about sleepy Saturdays is that many of us get to enjoy plush and comfortable bedrooms. Although possible, bedrooms don't have to set you back thousands and thousands of dollars.
I received an email from Rebecca West, who is the author of the blog Rivalee Design, sharing a recent bedroom makeover, done on a strict budget.
Bedroom Before

Bedroom After

Total Cost: $445
What a transformation! It pays to be thrifty. Thanks for sharing Ms. West.
Do you have a fresh transformation you would like to share...a bedroom...a lamp...a coffee table...
Email me ( Id love to hear from you!
Mr. Goodwill Hunting
Twitter: Mr.GWHunting