huh? say what? yea i blogged about it here and here and did a giveaway here.
there are so many options and as a designer the first thing that came to mind was a pillow. one or two very graphic pillows can have the greatest impact in a room. this fabric made into a pillow will certainly achieve just that.
btw the way aren't these images just beautiful? well they are from the etsy shop called woodyliana. as a matter-of-fact back in february i won an imperial trellis grey pillow from them.
the craftsmanship of their pillows is stunning. the attention to detail in every stitch in uncanny if you have a little extra money to spend in a room, a high quality pillow such as these pillow by woodyliana is the way to go.
notwithstanding the huge impact it would have in my space, a chiang mai pillow is just not something i need right now. so, the logical thing for me, would be to turn it into a bowtie.
you know how much i love my bowties right?
since the fabric is only a sample size, there aren't many options outside of maybe recovering a cushion, pillow or a small stool. so for me the BEST answer is a bowtie.

i think there is just enough to make it work. if not i can always add one of these 100% linen pieces of fabric to give it a contrasting effect like this bowtie.
of course i began to think of pieces i already had in my wardrobe and these plumb colored pants i wore on a segment of the nate berkus show back in may, is a viable option.
or perhaps if i cut the fabric on the other end, i can bring out more of the mustard and green and wear them with my green pants. which i bought at goodwill some time ago for around $4 and which you will see in the field piece on my next appearance on the nate berkus show.
i emailed a bowtie maker, whose work i am a fan of and hopefully they will respond to my email and make me a happy camper.
i will keep you in formed, but what do you think?