[mixology monday: vintage briefcase]

two weeks ago i went to see ryan leslie while i was in new york. it was a really good show, but i was tired and didn't have the new york energy to stay until the end.
this is what i wore to the concert. minus the [vintage briefcase], which i bought from goodwill about 2 years ago. i never did get it treated so the leather has rainspots on it. eh...i dont even mind. as you can see, i paired the leather case with some vintage shoes found on ebay a couple of years ago as well. 
these single monk strapped shoes has been one of my best purchases to-date regarding shoes. i think quality shoes are important to any man's wardrobe. one of the biggest travesties, in my opinion, is to have a complete look and the shoes are improper. yes. shoes matter.
as you can see here i am not wearing a bowtie. matter-of-fact i don't own a navy and polka dot bow. that is on my list of things to buy.
sock...no. its the summer time and you can get away with not wearing socks as long as your pants are somewhat fitted. it doesn't hurt to cuff them either. oh and yea the feet thing...well yea take care of that as well.

if you need assistance with choosing or sourcing pieces for your wardrobe or a special person's wardrobe you can always contact me via email at rashon@rashoncarraway.com for rates and availability.

if you would like your home to be a special place for you and your family you can email me at rashon@rashoncarraway.com for rates and availability

i am a full service lifestyle coach...at your service.