i started thrifting a few years ago and have an absolute passion for it! i first saw you on the 'nate berkus show' and it's been so fun to find people out there in the world that have a passion for thrifting as much as i do and also have the design chops to back up their purchases!!
i have attached a few pictures of my favorite finds!

i also painted my grandmother's old dresser a beautiful jade green and put it in my bedroom.
my favorite find by FAR has to be the vessel sink in my bathroom! i found that for $5 at a local thrift store a few years ago and snatched it up without even having a home to put it in! when we bought our home 3 years ago i was SO excited to finally be able to use it!
laura h.
wow. what an amazing home. i think i speak for everyone when i say we want to see more!
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