"are you from nigeria?"
just because i am dark skinned doesnt automatically mean i am from nigeria.
mind you. i LOVE being dark skinned.
when i started making multiple appearances on the nate berkus show, my inbox was flooded with emails saying. "YOUR STYLE IS SO OZWALD BOATENG!!" yea..in all caps.
i think its because both ozwald boateng and i are dark skinned and slender with a bold fashion style. those emails seemed be undergirded by a certain stereotype that im sure no one wants to talk about. however, to be mentioned in the same email as mr. boateng is mind blowing.
when i found this, i was hesitant about wearing it, but when i saw ozwald boateng wearing it, my confidence went up a little bit. now i am not afraid of color, but i am conscious not to walk out looking like a clown (that's subjective..some may differ). in any light, i think men have just as much right to explore the fun side of color with their clothing as women.
when i blogged about this look and eventually pinned it here, some of the women had a field day with it. everyone has a personal opinion about what they like on the opposite sex. me personally, i dont like wedged shoes...at all. i dont. that doesnt stop women from buying them, its just a personal opinion...right?
i pinned this image sometime ago on my personal style board. i really like the pants. they were fun and expressive and very much vibrant. as i continued my search i finally landed to the designer's website, orange culture based in nigeria.

there is definitely a beachy type going on here with orange culture. trina turk and lilly pulitzer are probably the closest brands in the states that have statement britches for men.
everyone will not like these. some may say, "oh thats too much. my man would never be caught..."
blah blah blah.
life is too short to spend 90% of your time worrying about what people will think.
i say open up a can of boldness this spring and summer and add some color to your wardrobe.