Dont you just love a good chair makeover? I have been holding on to these side chairs for over two years! I picked them up with the sole purpose of refinishing every last one of them, but life got in the way and I wasn't able to do so. Well that was until last week, I was browsing through the fabric store and saw these two amazing piece of fabric on the discount table and knew I had to buy them and get in a quick makeover.
Honestly? I did it for you all. lol. I have no need for a magenta side chair, but since its summer I knew the colors would be excellent to work with.
Even if you pick up a chair from a thrift store, it should never look like it...after you finish with it, that is unless you want it to. Although there are great tutorials and amazing step by step photos on how to redo a chair, sometimes you just need a hands on class to show you. So guess what? I am hosting a class to show you step-by-step, how to get that professionalish finish on your chairs.
The class will take place on Saturday August 2nd at 9am in my studio in downtown Rock Hill. Its going to be an amazing day where I will start from the very top and take you through the entire process of transforming a chair to make it look like a professionalish did it.
Here is what you will need for the class.
NOTHING (well yourself).
What I will be providing.
When you leave the class you will leave with a hands on experience on how to transform a dated chair into show stopping piece that you can be proud of. I am really excited about teaching this class. I must admit a few blog readers have asked me numerous times to host a class so I figured this was a great time to do so.
If you'd like to register for the class you can CLICK HERE. I must tell you upfront that this will be a very small class. So there will only be a limited number of slots available for the class. So if you are local, this is an excellent way to spend your Saturday, if I do say so myself. Plus when you are done with the class you will have your very own customized chair that you can use at your desk area, extra seating at the table, even as a nice corner chair to place a cute little teddy or doll baby in. I know some of yall like that. 

I hope you will register for the class. Just simply click the above photo and it will take you to the link.