Recently I was working with Ikea furniture. I learned in just a few hours why I love buying vintage or second hand furniture and here are just a few of my reasons.
Nothing gives me greater joy then buying a piece of furniture already assembled. I am one of the people that will do everything to buy the display model in the store, even if its dented or scratched. Not having to read the confusion instructions that come with Ikea furniture is a lot less stressful.
Honestly most furniture that requires assembly is not good quality.

Most furniture you have put together is made up of medium density fiberboard or MDF. These type pieces either easily break apart, damage quickly and honestly, wont serve you any good besides having to replace them in a matter of months maybe. Yes, they look great and you can get many of them for really cheap, but honestly you will wonder why you bought this piece when the paint starts to chip or when the leg suddenly snaps.
I love flipping through glossy magazine pages or online galleries and see a piece and thinking, "I'd love to have that piece", only to realize it was a piece found at an estate sale or a random thrift store is some far off city. Although that is a bummer, I think to myself that can be my space if I take the time to find a piece that really speaks to me.
When you buy a piece of vintage furniture the odds of you finding it somewhere else is rare. It's not impossible, but certainly rate. I mean who doesn't love when someone comes to your home and admires that piece and you reply "It's vintage."

When I post certain finds on FACEBOOK, people often say "We don't have prices like that around here!" I live in Charlotte NC and I admit some thrift store chains are really expensive, but the inventory is great. Other thrift stores are cheaper, but they don't bring in a consistent number of pieces. The prices really do depend on location, but when you compare the prices to what you are getting and what high end pieces will cost, you are really saving a great deal of money.
Let me throw in that when I speak of buying vintage furniture I am referring to buying them from a thrift store.
Most pieces of furniture purchased from big box stores are small. Maybe its because I am a guy, but I prefer to have large chairs and sofas in my space. I dont want to accidentally step on anything in the house. To me, most big box stores get is right with color, texture and pattern, but they miss the mark with size. While most people jump at the chance to buy trendy pieces of furniture for their home, there is a definite visible imbalance of furniture. Petite is good in some cases, but not all.

The sad reality is that thrift stores are often over crowded with furniture because so many people throw stuff away or family members pass and the remaining family members have no desire for the pieces. Of course its great for those of us who are looking for pieces, but no so great for the environment. I am no environmentalist or a tree hugger, but there is too much waste happening on the Earth. If everyone could save one piece of furniture we could make a small, but impactful dent on saving the environment.
I have quite a few more reasons by these reasons should at least stir the pot a little when you are considering buying furniture.
Do yo have any to share? I'd love to hear them and will honored to include them in my next round up!