NEW CLIENT: #TheWellsEstate

I know most of you are waiting for the final installment of the dining room saga, however, there have been two additional updates that is just crazy. Both of these developments have taken this dining room project into two completely different directions. I now I have to make a decision about how I want to proceed. It is either I redo second hand chairs (budget friendly and time consuming) or purchase chairs I really want (expensive and no time wasted). As my mother would say, "Time is money."

So you will have to wait just a bit, but in the meantime let's talk about one of my newest clients.

A colleague of mine, referred me to his boss when she purchased her new home. To say I was honored for the referral is an understatement. The home is massive and she wanted budget friendly options to create a home for her family. Although the home is pushing 10,000 square feet, it has a very warm and welcoming layout.

Take a look.

I have been working at this particular project for about a month now and quite a few of the furnishings have already been selected. Even though, I did not participate in choosing the many of the existing finishes, with a house this large, there are a lot of places to add a decorative touches so I am definitely excited to see this project take place. 

Make sure you are following me on INSTAGRAM and are checking the INSTAGRAM STORIES, that where a lot of the items will be shown. 

Exciting times ahead!