Saturday Style: Tweed and Navy

February, has started off as a great month. A few unsolved mysteries, but for the most part there is direction and clarity and direction for the remaining months of 2018. I have set some small goes and I met each of them. Meeting these goals, if nothing else, gives me the fortitude to push just a bit harder to go a little further. For the most part, I am really trying to find my way BAC to doing many of the things I loved to do and many of the things that bring in a consistent source of income. Believe it or not, in order the thrift and throw fabulous parties, you need money. For many years I failed to ensure I had my basis covered, but now I can honestly say I am okay with doing whats necessary and using my spare time to live out many of my passion projects. 
I wear both custom and vintage suits. The one thing that really moves a suit forward is the shoes. Shoes can make or break an outfit. It is also important to note shoes of good quality are not cheap.