As stated in my other posting...Today was a pretty good day at the Will.
Here are three of the four pictures I picked up.

Very few may know what or where this is, but this is a picture of Tillman Hall on the Campus of Winthrop University. This is a reprint dated 1989 by Edmund D Lewandowski of which the Lewandowski Student Gallery is named after. What a find.

Yerp, Don Quixote by Piablo Picasso
Im not really sure what this is, but its an abstract piece with some aging...so it went home with me.

The fourth picture is a poster of a red Lamborghini dated 7-14 Settembre 1982. When I look it up online its all in Italian (I think). The picture did not come out well. However, its a great picture!
Mr. Goodwill Hunting