[thrifty deets on what i wore on Nate]

since i was part of the thrift hour with nate, what better way to don the show than by wearing a totally thrifted outfit.
my double breasted blazer was found at the salvation army. it has a single vent, which i am not a fan of, but they are so hard to come by a great price i decided to buy it anyway. while sitting in the green room at the nate show, i asked the staff for scissors and safety pins. i cut off the drab buttons and added the gold buttons that are on it now. a simple change totally transformed the blazer.
my speckled tweed pants also came from the salvation army. since the show, i have taken them to the tailors to have the legs straighten and lengthen.

the turtleneck was found at goodwill around the corner from the hotel that morning before studio taping.
while i love great classic brands, like ralph lauren and brooks brothers, my first love is giving life to vintage pieces. shopping thrift is a great way to save money, but its also a great way to add unique pieces to your wardrobe.