many of you can probably imagine that i come across
quite a few unique finds in my vintage shopping. most times i leave them. however, i started
picking up a few after getting several emails from supporters wanting to
know if i can start offering some of the goods on my website site. well
that may come soon but here are a few items i have that i have never
gotten around to using.
nothing really shows better than a decorative vintage piece of glass and this amber colored vase is really showing it. i saw this some time ago and picked it up and was contemplating using it on a tablescape, but then i get a bit lazy. however, i still think it is magnificent.

while i was traveling. i just knew i had to get it, although it was a bit more than i wanted to spend. after buying it i never used it because i had three of these. adding retro to your home has never been easier!

not sure if i am going to keep this or not, but it is an amazing oscar de la renta garment bag. i have a lot of suits so that may come in handy when i am traveling.