when i set my mind on a thing, i do all i can to make it a reality. i am working on a special project and need to get cracking on redoing my chairs. from this POST you will know that i received a fabric sample in the mail. with the price point being $299-$550, the option to use it is not so much an option.
while blog hopping yesterday i came across a scarf with zebras and a red back ground. hmmmm...
i started typing some keywords into the interweb and came across the menagerie zebra fabric. i liked it. i especially like the $10 price point give or take a few dollars here and there, depending on where it is ordered from. it's cotton and is 45 inches wide which isn't the widest, but it's still enough for the application i want to use it for.

the scalamandre zebra fabric is $550 a yard. not for budget decorators. i came across a seller on ebay that offered it at $299 a yard...with a minimum of 3 yards ordered. that's how they getcha! the scalmandre zebras are obviously bigger with movement and the fabric is a cotton and linen blend and is printed.
i haven't ordered a sample of the first fabric so i cant really compare weight. if i were simply going to make pillows then the heavier fabric would work.
but if i am simply going to accentuate the backs of chairs would the weight really matter?
there are obvious differences between the $10 fabric and the $550. which do you think is better by mere appearance?