friday finds...

happy friday everyone.

i have been struggling all week long to get stuff done, so to happy its friday means to be happy that i get to work and do projects all weekend long. lol.

with that said this week's "friday finds" are a lil low, but hey...
 i admit it. i have a lot of goals tucked away in my head. some of them are a lot less realistic than other, but i still hold on to them. owning a men's retail shop is a goal of mine. think the aesthetics of a billy reid with the inventory of a sid mashburn. if i did this one would be part of my shop. it was $30 i think. i'd paint it a lacquered black or red, perhaps a grey white wash. id store all kinds of amazing shirts and sweaters in it. alas, i dont have that shop so it stay right where it was. 
honestly, i was surprised to see something like this in this particular store. its been a long time since i have come across a quality classic wooden piece of furniture that wasn't overpriced. i hope this store gets the hint and does better with their pricing. if i remember correctly it was $29.99.
imagine these painted white with a nice graphic print. uh huh. you see what I did there? i gave you inspiration. lol. grated the grey black isnt so bad either.
i was on the fence about this chair. while it does have that old school flair that could be painted a statement color going on, it just didnt hit home 100% for me. i think i snapped a picture because i enjoyed the ugly tartan textile that was on it. lol

well that is it for me this week. not much, but it is something.

you can tweet me with #FridayFinds on twitter (MrGWHunting) if you'd like to share anything. i will trying to share a few on facebook as well as twitter.