Vintage Blue

Happy Wednesday!

We had a tornado warning on yesterday in the city. I am not even sure if I was alarmed, although I do know I got some much needed rest on last night. The rain is natural sleep aid and I try to go to bed early enough to get all the sleep that I can.

This vintage blue suit has been seen quite a few times on the blog, like HERE and HERE. I think its one of my go to suits because it is not extremely dressy and not extremely casual either, so its like the perfect solution to not wanting to give to me and not giving enough. 

When it comes to going out, most of the time you can find me in a full suit or at the least a jacket and a pair of trousers. Sometimes I deviate, most times I don't. Alright. Gots a lot of work to do. 
I will check it with you all a bit later. 

If you wanna follow along you can find me on INSTAGRAM


Shoes: To Boot New York
Suit: The Carraway Concept
Tie: The Carraway Concept
Lapel Flower: The Carraway Concept
Case: Vintage
Shirt: Custom 

WAIT! lol. Don't forget to purchase your tickets for the All Black "Masquerade" Dinner.