I'm Inspired Again

I love interior design. I love being a creative, but very few mainstream designers have gotten me to dust off my blog and share something with you. Well, that is until I came across this amazing space on Canadian House and Home (I think they just go by House and Home now).
In between watching pimple popping videos and BLoves eating on youtube, I casually wandered over to House and Home to see if there was any more videos Id enjoy. Per usual, there were a lot of videos of spaces that just seem to be thrown together for the sake of creating a "lived in look". As I got further down, I saw this sleek black kitchen. I was for sure this was just a rendering, but no, this was an actual space, so I dove right in to the video, grabbed some cheetos and watched it over and over.  For those of you who'd like to watch it you can click here.

I am attempting to work on a video series on decorating a space with a limited budget. As soon as it gets done, I will let everyone know.