just like most fashionable gents and ladies, i stalk ebay. while stalking i found these spendy brooks brothers black fleece wool houndstooth trousers, by thom browne. i immediately emailed the seller to get more information. rent must have been due because he lowered the price $50 within two emails.
before i clicked buy now, i sent the image to a friend to get his opinion. he loved them of course, but said, "im sure you can thrift something like that, they have a vintage quality."
touche' touche'
i was having doubts that i would be able to find something like this. i mean you cant always tell what a thrift store would have. since i am a reasonable guy. i decided not to buy them.the size was a BB1 and that translate to skimpy in the butt and leg area. i dont like the skimpy jeans...i meant skinny jeans fad. i hope it goes away quick so retailers can focus on classic styling.
oh no.
not this time. this suit was too small. men were quite petite in those days if i must say. i still bought it because i knew several people visit my blog for unique vintage men apparel. so its on the sidebar if you would like to purchase it.

i am so glad i waited. i now have a great pair of pants and i and saved a whole bunch of money by switching to gieco. lol.
have you ever seen something you really wanted to buy, but waited and was able to save money and feel like you just hit the lotto? well maybe not the lotto...lol